Santa Cruz is an environmentalist town. Not just because of the
hippies. But everything. The trees. Giant
primordial redwoods that used come all the way down to the shore. And the
coast. There is no Newport Beach two miles away. No Huntington Beach and its
hot sand silicone enhanced breast. There are no parking meters. Farmers with
shotguns to keep you off of their land.
Oh yes.
And it’s a radical town.
From its history with Huey Newton and Angela Davis at the
university to the surf scene down on the cliffs, people have always carved
their own path. In the early days the Petersen brothers went to Hawaii and
ruled. Richard Schmidt and Vince Collier controlled the eighties with a mixture
of grace and explosive anger. The nineties were blazed with the meth infused
big wave aerial charging of Flea and the crew of vermin that really opened up
Santa Cruz to the outside world.
Into this path comes Kyle Thiermann.
People often talk about how a certain surfer blends the
different styles of others and makes them their own. Well Kyle has taken all
the elements of his hometown and made himself into one of the most unique pro
surfers the world has ever known. Not only doe he charge, blazing through giant
Mexican barrels, he also bust airs through the slop like any other pro.
But he is not just like any other pro.
He’s a critical thinker.
He has taken advantage of his situation of privilege. One of
the great things about being a pro is it affords you the luxury of traveling to
amazing places. As is the case in many of these locations, the surrounding
areas suffer from many problems. Abject poverty. Disease. Pollution.
Environmental degradation. Too many to list here.
Most of us have learned to pass over these problems we
encounter in the hopes that we will never be affected. And pro surfers are no
different. Most pass the injustices and head straight for the surf.
Well one day, while on such a trip to Chile, Kyle stopped
ignoring. He opened his eyes and he took action. Since that trip he has started
many campaigns that have seen an incredible amounts of success. From his
website and videos on Youtube to his talks at Ted conferences, he has truly
become the change he wants to see in the world.
Cold Waters Press sat down with Kyle to find out “How Does
He Do What He Does?
Questions for Kyle
CWP: Surfers often talk of mentors,
people who have helped them along the way, are there others outside of the
surfing world that inspired you? Activists, politicians, visionaries who helped
you see things differently.
My friend Kyle Buthman is a killer filmmaker and has taught
me a lot about moviemaking, Annie Leonard (Story of Stuff) inspires me with her
web movies. My parents are documentary filmmakers and they push me for sure.
Joe Rogan and Shane Smith (Vice) are to of my non-surfing heroes.
CWP: One of the criticisms
of the youth today is their apathy, or unwillingness to get involved and do
something for positive change. You are making a career out of being active and
showing others how to be active. What inspired you to do this, to be the change
you want to see in the world?
always dug traveling and surfing and through that it set me on the course I’m
on now. Ever since I was big enough to carry my own board bag my parents would
take me on trips to places like Mexico, Peru, a lot of poor surf destinations
in Latin America. When I was on these trips I remember my Mom and Dad would
make a point to have me interact with locals there. They would tell me, “Kyle,
these people are just like you, you were just born in Santa Cruz and they were
born in Peru so they weren’t given the same advantages as you.” That helped me
develop the mindset that given my unique position as a pro surfer, if I could
help, then I should.
CWP: One of the problems
with activists in the past has been their inability to go from criticism to
pro-active action. One of the great things about your work is you give people
concrete steps they can take. How did this come about, how were you able to see
solutions when others have only seen problems?
It pisses me off when people stop at the problem, I think it
some ways it does more harm than good because it makes people feel hopeless. I
recognize that we’re up against some serious problems, but I’m also excited
about the fact that people are figuring out ways to innovate out of these
problems. I’d like to cover the solutions because they’re more fun.
CWP: Most pro surfers only worry about where to do
a turn on the wave so they can get the “cover shot”, you have evolved the
notion of pro far beyond that. What made you want to do this? Wouldn’t it be
easier just to kick it on the beach and worry about work out routines?
To be perfectly honest I get stir-crazy if I don’t exercise
my mind. I love to surf when the waves are good, but if the waves are crappy
and everyone’s just sitting around doing nothing I have a hard time with that.
I really can’t imagine living a life where I didn’t push my mind. Then again,
sometimes just surfing and cruising with friends is fun too.
CWP: You have a series on
Youtube called Surfing for Change,
how did this get started and do you find this as an effective way to get
messages to a large audience?
Yup, Youtube the site gets a billion unique views per month
so I’d say it’s a pretty effective platform to get a message across. Here’s how
I started the first project:
CWP: Now for a surfing
question, surfers love their boards and trying out new designs. Despite the
many changes in design over the last twenty years the thruster remains the
predominant design ridden, can anything replace it? If not, what designs are
you most excited about?
I’m really excited about quads right now! I’ve been going
down to Puerto Escondido a lot recently and I just changed my quiver to quads
and I feel like they give me about 20% more squirt off the bottom into barrels
than thrusters. But my Santa Cruz quiver is still pretty much all thrusters.
I’m actually trying to ride bigger boards right now to help smooth out my
CWP: There have been many changes in
the surf industry over the last fifteen years. From computer shaping to the
rise of the Asian mass produced market, surfing has gone global and expanded
far beyond the local companies they once were. How does an activist,
professional surfer like yourself get your message across to the businesses’
behind the surf industry?
I made
a conscious effort to associate with specific companies in the surf industry
and steer clear of others. I am stoked to surf for Patagonia, Clif Bar, Pac
Wave, and Sector 9 because they all do business in a way that reflects my
values. If I put a sticker on my board I want to feel good about the brand I’m
representing. These companies are not scared to make bold statements, which I
need because Surfing For Change is a bold series and I need my sponsors to
stand by me when I release these videos.
CWP: One of the first projects
you worked on was changing your bank to a local one which became very
successful. What about your method is so effective at getting people involved
and not just bitching on Facebook?
I guess I try to give simple solutions that people can act
CWP: What are some of the
issues you see as most pressing and what other new projects you do have coming
Up Paddle Boards, haha! I don’t know how we’re going to solve that one.
though, I’d say plastic pollution is at the forefront of issues we face today.
Change starts when the citizen demands it. It can be as simple as refusing
plastic bags and telling the storeowner at your favorite taco shop you think
it’s lame that they use plastic bags. That might sound small but hey, in the
50’s a bunch of black people got together and refused to ride segregated buses.
That small decision ignited a movement that changed the world forever.
I have
a few pretty big documentaries coming up but I can’t talk about them too much
yet. Stay tuned though. You’ll be able to see if first if you sign up for our email list.
CWP: Is there anything people
have told you that has been instrumental in your success that you would like to
pass on to others?
Just stick with it. Whatever it is that you’re passionate
about, just keep going and one day you’ll wake up and realize, “wow, I’m living
my passion.”
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